Why you might need to see a dietitian?
Nutrition is an essential part of our daily lives. Not only do we eat for enjoyment and to be social, but it plays a major role in keeping us all healthy.
Why you might need to see a dietitian?
Dietitians are the only nutrition professional qualified to assess, diagnose and treat nutritional problems.
You will benefit from seeing a dietitian if you:
- Want to lose weight safely and permanently
- Have a medical condition that means you require a special diet
- Are someone who finds certain foods problematic
- Want to use nutrition to train, fuel and recover better to improve your fitness or
sport performance

Barry Cullen has been a Dietitian in the NHS for over 10 years helping clients to manage a whole range of nutritional issues relating to:
- Sports nutrition
- General healthy eating
- Food intolerance
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Constipation
- Malnutrition
- Stroke
- Swallowing problems
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Coeliac disease
- Weight loss
- And many others…
If you are someone who wants to take your nutrition to the next level, then seeing the Livewell Dietitian at The Valley Clinic is for you.
Barry will work with you to assess your existing diet, lifestyle and eating habits in order to empower you with the skills needed to make better food choices.
You can also learn more about Barry on his website: www.livewelldietitian.co.uk

Barry has been a Dietitian for the last 10 years in the NHS and for companies such as Diabetes UK and BUPA. Barry works privately as Live Well Dietitian.
He has many qualifications including a Masters Degree and has helped 100s of people become more expert in nutrition and work towards or achieve their health-related and lifestyle goals