I developed The Valley Clinic Workplace Wellness Programme in order to help employers save money, improve employee engagement, meet their legal responsibilities and show their employees that they are valued.

By supporting wellness you will:

  1. Reduce absenteeism and decrease business costs by giving your employees the information and resources they need to avoid injury and lead healthier lives.
  2. Create a healthier, more engaged workforce; therefore, increasing productivity.
  3. Enhance your Employee Value Proposition to stand out from your competition and attract the best candidates.
  4. Show your employees that you value them. Employees who feel respected and valued are more likely to stay in their job, reducing staff turnover and reducing the time and expense spent recruiting and training.

Remember, you can discover what wellbeing goals are most important to your employees by simply asking them.  According to Angela Ruth, Entrepreneur and Consultant, by trying to separate health from the office, business leaders overlook an even bigger truth: What happens in the office can absolutely impact employees’ health.  The things that impact an individual’s mental or physical health also impact their behaviour at the office. Your employees’ health, behaviour and attitude towards work have a huge impact on productivity and costs.