The Valley Clinic’s Occupational Health teamwork with employers like you to help increase employee physical and mental wellbeing, build employee engagement, and help to fulfil your duty of care to employees.*
You’ll see the benefits of our Workplace Wellness Programme in:
- Reduced absence levels, and reduced length of absence
- More successful returns to work and lower re-occurrence rates
- Reduced presentism – those working with an existing physical problem
- Increased productivity
- Increased engagement from staff who feel valued and supported by their employer
- Overall our programme will reduce your total cost of employment
Our Promises:
- To provide expert advice and physiotherapy for each employee’s specific needs, reducing
the risk of work-related absence or low productivity - To boost employees’ sense of being valued and supported
- To help you fulfil your duty of care for employees*

What is The Workplace Wellness Programme?
- An initial expert assessment of your work environment, with a report of findings and recommendations for the entire workspace
- An individual physical assessment for each of your employees, identifying any work-related physical problems and providing initial treatment and simple, effective solutions
- Ongoing reduced cost access to further physiotherapy for your employee and their family, as required
- A detailed assessment of work areas were issues already exist or which you identify as high risk
- Treatment and return to work programmes for any of your employees with ongoing work-related physical problems or absences
The Workplace Wellness Programme helps you to:
- Identify workplace-related physical problems early, providing effective treatment that reduces severity and speeds recovery
- Ensure your workplace is safe and effective and that all furniture, equipment and workplaces are well set up and being used correctly, and so do not add to or cause any physical injuries
- Support any employee with a pre-existing physical problem to fully recover, return to work successfully and to reduce the chances of re-occurrence
Phone today
Book an initial Workplace Wellness Review and to find out how our programme can benefit you and your team while saving you money.
*The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999