The way an individual interacts with their environment, particularly postural habits and movement patterns, has a huge impact on their physical health. Regardless of the quality and cost of the
Supporting Workplace Wellness: The Benefits to Employers
I developed The Valley Clinic Workplace Wellness Programme in order to help employers save money, improve employee engagement, meet their legal responsibilities and show their employees that they are valued.
Can Workplace Wellness Programmes Increase Productivity?
According to Jeffrey Hayzlett, prime time TV and radio host, author and speaker; globally, workplace wellness is a $40 billion industry. A 2017 survey conducted by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit
How Do Workspace Assessments Benefit Me?
According to a recent Harvard study, there is a £3 return
for every £1 spent supporting occupational health.
Workspace assessments, or ergonomic assessments, are a key
part of The Valley Clinic’s Workplace Wellness
“Gyro what?”, “Gin & Tonic?” accompanied by a quizzical expression are the usual responses when I say I am a GYROTONIC® instructor.
Not known widely in the U.K., unlike Germany
Top Tips for Walkers
1.Dress for the weather and be prepared for it to change.
Layering is always a good idea. In warmer temperatures, you may want to discard a layer as your body warms
The Benefits of Walking
Walking is an easy, inexpensive, accessible form of exercise which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. We know that just being outdoors has mental and physical
Exercising in the Cold Weather, the Benefits
Are you put off by the cold temperatures, the bleak skies and the shorter days? Many people reduce their exercise and lose their motivation in the cold weather. Here’s some
Liz Blizzard – My Story
I knew from the age of 10 that I wanted to help people who are faced with barriers to develop and grow. Initially, as a teacher for children and adults
Benefit From Better Breathing
What happens when you breathe? When you inhale, the air passes via your nose or mouth through your bronchioles to the bases of your lungs. The tiny sacs deep in